February Report from the Chair

Hello all,ball-chair

The past month has seen some extraordinary strides on the Social Policy Framework: two municipalities have passed resolutions calling on the provincial government to begin a process to create a SPF.

We are working hard to keep this …

Report from the Chair January 2014

Hello all,Chair

It has been a surprisingly busy month across the Christmas holidays.

Our Communications Working Group have completed a few projects to date: they set up our YouTube channel and drafted two news releases announcing our new board members. …

BoardVoice Report from the Chair

MDavis20decThis is the first in a monthly series: BV Report from the Chair that should help make you and your boards more aware of our activities across our various committees, regions of our province, and among our member boards.

I …

Vancouver: Social Policy Framework

The Vancouver area community boards in action project sprang out of several conversation we were having around a discussion paper put out by the Federation of Community social services called Social Policy Frameworks in Canada.

When Doug mentioned how hard …

Social Policy Framework

Board Voice is leading the call for the province to undertake a BC-wide public discussion on a provincial social policy framework – a plan for strengthening, prioritizing and consistently funding social health initiatives and services in our communities. (Find our …

Social Policy Framework Statement

spfBoardVoice began advocating for the creation of a province-wide Social Policy Framework in early May 2013, with the creation of a Community Boards in Action group composed of the five largest Community Social Service agencies in Vancouver.

The working group …

Intimate partner violence can be life sentence for victim

This opinion piece from Board Voice advocate (and former executive director) Jody Paterson appeared in the Victoria Times Colonist in March. Board Voice has partnered with The Cridge Centre for the Family on the important work of advocating for awareness …