A voice for community
Board Voice provides peer-led support, connection and advocacy for non-profit community boards throughout BC whose organizations are dedicated to supporting and strengthening social health in their communities. Together we speak out, share experiences and build on each other’s strengths to make our communities better places to live, learn, work and play.
The members of Board Voice play an essential role in providing the diverse and vital services integral to healthy communities. They champion the value of collaborative, high-quality, community-based social services to governments, communities and the social services sector. They are community leaders with rich work and personal backgrounds that they bring to the common cause of building a vibrant province where every British Columbian feels like they belong.
Our role at Board Voice is to bring those community voices together, both to build stronger boards and advocate for our vital sector. We aim to inform the public and government on community social health, and support the volunteer leaders who are our members to share successes, challenges and strategies. We share a common belief in the importance of healthy, happy communities, where all British Columbians have the chance to reach their full potential.
An ongoing initiative is our campaign for a provincial social policy framework. We envisage a framework that brings together all stakeholders to incorporate and support the thousands of social health programs in our communities operated by non-profit organizations, and to establish goals, priorities and services vital to community well-being. The BC Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services recommended in its 2020 report that the province develop a social policy framework.
Board Voice conducted extensive community consultations related to this initiative in the runup to the release of our 2017 report, There is a Better Way: A BC Framework for Well-Being. Click here for the downloadable PDF version. More information on the history of the project is available here.