Spotlight on our members for Community Social Services Month

We were delighted at the opportunity to see the work of our member organizations profiled by the BC government for Community Social Services Month in March 2021.

Eleven of the 12 agency profiles posted here were shared via the Ministry …

Meet the new BC cabinet

Premier and Executive Council, swearing in ceremony. Photo: Government of BC

Premier John Horgan unveiled his new cabinet on Nov. 26, with a number of MLAs now leading ministries relevant to our sector who have personal work backgrounds in community-based …

Notes from the Throne Speech

In Canada, every new session of Parliament opens with a Speech from the Throne. The most recent was this week, when Governor General Julie Payette presented the Throne Speech as the Queen’s representative in Canada. Traditionally, the government indicates its …

Health Ministry briefing on home support contracts

Board Voice executive director was invited to a briefing with the Health Ministry on April 16, 2019, to learn more about the return of home support services to health authorities. This is the information she shared with Board Voice members

WorkBC procurement: Successful proponents, Shane Simpson response

Board Voice continues to have many concerns with the WorkBC procurement process, which led to a fairly significant change in employment-training providers throughout BC as regions went from 73 to 45 and a number of high-performing non-profit providers lost their …

Highlights: BC Budget 2019

Thank you to our allies at the Federation of Community Social Services of BC, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and the Surrey Board of Trade for their quick analysis of BC Budget 2019 this week.

As the CCPA notes