Why BC Needs a Framework for Well-being

Published in the Vancouver Sun on Thursday, November 24, 2016
By Doug Hayman
It wouldn’t be tough for most of us to put together a list of problems people are struggling with in BC. Child poverty, long waits for vital

Think Piece


Here is a list for you to reflect upon:bettertogether

  • A collective and unified voice for local governors
  • Strength in numbers
  • Frustrations of too few resources and too little authority
  • Increasing obligations

Sound familiar? Not only are these the challenges …


change-architect-sign1-2Trevor Hancock shares a timely metaphor regarding change. Over the past couple of years, people have seen a lot of information on this web site about a vision of a BC in which all British Columbians experience a high quality

Changes at Board Voice

Networking Synergy
At a recent strategic planning session in Vancouver, Board Voice elected Doug Hayman as the new Chair of Board Voice,, replacing Michael Davis, who is off to Ottawa and an exciting new job. I was honoured to accept. Our great …

2014 Annual Report from the Chair


I think we can say, looking back on 2014, that it was a rather remarkable year. We were focused on four thing. Three are the ways we deliver value to our members:

  • Creating opportunities for board Skills development
  • Connecting boards

Community Boards in Action – In Spades!

Report on the Community Boards in Action Project – August 2014

New ground has been broken through the successful implementation of the Community Boards in Action project.  A report on this project follows. Our thanks to the Vancouver Foundation and …

Leslie Welin

Leslie’s career in education and social services spans more than 30 years, in both Alberta and BC. During that time, Leslie’s roles included coach, teacher, counsellor, board member, professor, and community leader. She believes that everyone has strengths and gifts …

March Report from the Chair


We have a total of 28 community social service organizations signed onto the There is a Better Way call to action. If your board has not signed on yet, please ask them to consider it.

We are working with