Complex problems need robust solutions

In a recent column in the Victoria Times Colonist, Trevor Hancock notes that some of the new government’s policies are welcome. However, Hancock notes that “[p]overty is one of the most important contributors to ill health and premature death.” Poverty …

The Value of Coordinated Care

Marcus Beg lives in a shed on the deck of his daughter’s grandmother, Marguerite MacDougall. Beg has undiagnosed mental health issues. His erratic and sometimes threatening behaviour has landed him in jail where he is often in solitary confinement as …

Plan-Y in Pemberton

Part of a robust social policy framework is ensuring that citizens have access to the services they need, delivered in a relevant manner. Service delivery looks very different depending upon who you are and where you live in our vast …

Child Poverty

Like homelessness, child poverty is another multi-faceted social issue that cuts across many different governmental ministries. While politicians agree that child poverty should be eradicated, none of them seem to be able to tackle the problem in any meaningful way. …