Board Voice virtual AGM

Like many non-profits dealing with life in a pandemic, Board Voice will be moving our annual general meeting online for 2020. We’re looking forward to connecting with our members at our Sept. 22 AGM, even if it is just via …
Like many non-profits dealing with life in a pandemic, Board Voice will be moving our annual general meeting online for 2020. We’re looking forward to connecting with our members at our Sept. 22 AGM, even if it is just via …
There’s an upside to everything, even a global pandemic. After Board Voice started hearing of some of the amazing innovation coming out of our sector as we adapted to the tremendous impact of the pandemic, we set out to capture …
Board Voice puts in a submission every year to the BC Select Standing Committee on Finance and Governance, which seeks engagement leading up to the planning of the following year’s budget. Here’s what we had to say this time, which …
An article by columnist John Ivison in the National Post this week, which we’re sharing here so you can have a smooth read of some important words rather than the chopped-up and ad-heavy version that is on the Post’s site! …
BC’s new Community Social Services Health and Safety Council is now operational, building on the work of a pilot project focused on reducing significant injury rates in the social services sector. It’s the first of its kind in Canada.
Our …
The Ontario Health Authority has released an analysis of deaths due to the coronavirus at Ontario long-term care homes, and how they compare at for-profit facilities, non-profit facilities, and publicly owned (government-run) facilities. It’s an eye-opener, finding that deaths were …
Our executive director Jody Paterson writes of the hard lessons of the pandemic in revealing just how important social services are in BC, even though this vital work too often goes unseen. With the chaos of the pandemic fresh in …
We’re all feeling overwhelmed with the COVID-19 pandemic, but that’s all the more reason to make sure our non-profit boards are functioning well, says BoardSource (an American non-profit that produces great resources for non-profit boards in any country).
“Our nonprofits …
The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives makes a case here for why charities should immediately be eligible for the new federal wage subsidy program that will cover 75 per cent of wages for employers hit by the COVID-19 crisis, specifically …
“The system is broken when for-profit operators get to keep the money when they don’t deliver the long-term care the government pays them to provide. And that’s just one example of what’s going wrong. ” Vancouver Sun opinion writer Daphne …