New BC framework for Children and Youth with Support Needs

The long-awaited framework that will guide services and supports for Children and Youth with Support Needs (CYSN) in the province has now been released by the Ministry of Children and Family Development. The framework was originally to be released in 2019, but was delayed by the COVID pandemic and a provincial election, among other things.

The framework is particularly relevant at a time of major changes in how CYSN services will be delivered in BC. The plan is for the majority of services to be delivered out of 40 “family connection centres” to be developed around the province this year and next. The Requests for Proposal that the government will be calling for via BC Bid to get those centres built will presumably be scored on the values established in the framework.

The five values underlying the framework are on page 21 of the report:

  • Inclusive and accessible services. Children and youth will receive the services they need, when they need them.
  • Indigenous service providers for Indigenous children, youth and families. Lasting reconciliation through rights-based services.
  • Strengths and needs-based. Shifts away from deficits-based philosophy.
  • Social inclusion. Recognizes the fundamental right for meaningful inclusion for children/youth with disabilities
  • Effective and high quality. The best available evidence informs all services.

The first RFPs are expected to be issued very soon in two pilot regions: The Northwest and the Okanagan. Feedback to those RFPs will then determine what the other 38 RFPs will look like that are anticipated for 2023.

Find the full 32-page CYSN service framework below.
