Imagine Canada’s Public Policy Roadshow Coming to Vancouver Feb. 17th

On Tulogoesday February 17th from 2 to 4pm, Imagine Canada, the national umbrella organization for Canadian charities, will deliver a public policy workshop at the Vancouver Public Library. The workshop is aimed at local charity leaders and Board members in order to explain the why and how of charities’ participation in public policy.

Imagine Canada believes that public policy decision-making is better when charities are at the table. Topics include:

  • political activities reporting;
  • the federal lobbyist registration; and
  • engagement in the 2015 federal election.

Speakers from the organization include:

  • Stephen Faul, VP Strategic Communications and Business Development,
  • Michelle Gauthier, VP Public Policy and Community Engagement, and
  • Bill Schaper, Director of Public Policy and Community Engagement.

As well, four of Imagine Canada’s Vancouver-based Board members are co-hosting the event and will be on hand to share their public policy expertise including:

  • Derek Gent, Executive Director of the Vancity Community Foundation,
  • Kevin McCort, President and CEO of the Vancouver Foundation,
  • Margaret Mason, Partner at Bull Housser, and
  • Peter Robinson, CEO of the David Suzuki Foundation.

This is a great opportunity to ensure that Board members and charity leaders are empowered to engage in public policy and support the work of the organizations they are connected to. Spaces are limited. Link to the registration page here.