The board of the British Columbia Association of Social Workers has passed a motion supporting the call for a social policy framework for B.C.
Barb Keith, President of the BC Association of Social Workers:
“BCASW is pleased to join Board Voice in calling for the development and adoption of a Social Policy Framework for BC. We look forward to working with our many community partners with the goal of improving the quality of life for all British Columbians in context of the social determinants of health.”
A Social Policy Framework, such as the one recently passed in Alberta, states the social goals that government and communities and social services agencies are striving for. It can guide decision making, set future direction, identify important connections, and support the alignment of policies and practices both inside and outside of government. A SPF helps government address the increasingly complex issues facing BC communities more effectively and efficiently.
Board Voice Society of B.C. has been advocating for a SPF in BC since early 2013 and is speaking to organizations and municipalities across the province about the idea.
Michael Davis, Chair of Board Voice, says that the social issues we read about are the day to day life of social workers. “Having the Social Work Association support this idea is huge. Social workers are on the front lines of many of our community services and bring a highly credible voice to this initiative.”