Board Voice has a chequing account at Coast Capital Savings in Victoria. Changing/removing signers can be done at any Coast Capital branch in BC, but there are specific documents that must be taken to the bank by a director who is being added as a signer after they are signed off by two current signers. The director being added will also need to bring personal identification and a recent copy of the Statement of Board Voice Directors downloaded from the BC Societies online registry confirming that person is an active director with Board Voice.

At any given time, Board Voice is to have at least two signers who are active board directors. We also have two signers who are in the finance department at Options Community Services, as we contract with Options for our bookkeeping and having two signers there ensures we can issue cheques quickly.

Board Voice receives e-statements each month that Coast Capital sends to and that are then forwarded to our contracted bookkeeper so our monthly financial statements can be prepared.

No banking transaction can be carried out without the signatures of at least two signers with the exception of deposits. The Board Voice executive director has a bank card that facilitates these deposits, but the card can’t be used for withdrawals. Best practice is for the two Board Voice directors who are signers to secure online access to the Coast Capital account, as that will allow transactions requiring two signatures to be done online in two steps through those separate account accesses.

Here are the necessary documents that Coast Capital requires filled in and signed, and you will need the executive director to sign into the Societies registry to download the latest copy of Board Voice’s Statement of Directors.

Documents needed to be completed and signed:

Documents needing to be brought into a branch by the person authorized as a new signer

  • Latest copy of Statement of Board Voice Directors from BC Societies Online (requires BC e-ID sign-in)
  • Personal identification
  • Copy of the meeting minutes in which a motion was passed to add this person as a signer