Happy Holidays

Board Voice wishes all of you a happy and peaceful holiday season and a great new year! See you in 2017!…

Investment in People Pays Dividends

In an opinion piece, in the Victoria Times Colonist, Dr. Ryan Meili and James Hughes argue that 7934773investment in social spending does not adversely affect economic growth. Citing a study done in 15 European countries showed that for every …

Visions of a Healthy Community

health-community-17030Last week I described what people talked about when they reflected on their experience of a healthy community. This week I describe what they drew in small groups after envisioning a healthy community.  While these drawings appear childlike in their …

Cowichan Board Meets Board

grassroots-164x164On May 17th, thirty board directors, executive directors, municipal politicians and other interested parties gathered in Duncan for our sixteenth Board Meets Board conversation.  This time, the gathering was to celebrate some of the innovative successes achieved by …