Since completing his post-secondary education, Gerry has been involved in his community and enjoys working to improve the lives of people of all ages, whether in his role as a teacher, counsellor, academic advisor, board member, coach, volunteer, mentor or community leader.
His strengths are his organizational and problem-solving skills, ability to listen and to communicate, sense of humour, work ethic, and commitment to community and lifelong learning.
Gerry is a previous Board Voice Society director, and has also served on the boards of the Kamloops Youth Resources Society, Kamloops Woodworkers’ Guild, the Vinsulla 4H Club, and the Kamloops Phoenix Center.
He and his wife and moved to Penticton in 2021 and he is newly involved with the “Aging with Cycling” volunteer program. He joined the OneSky Community Services Board of Directors in September 2021.
Gerry has had the opportunity and privilege over the past two decades to volunteer and to work offshore in Kyrgyzstan, Serbia, China and South Korea, which he says has “definitely enhanced my view of the world and its humanity.” Gerry is committed to understanding and improving the lives of people in his new community, and in British Columbia overall.