Board Voice is excited to announce the appointment of Tim Agg as our new executive director as of Dec. 1.
As an early champion for the creation of Board Voice, Tim has an in-depth understanding of the organization, its past work, and its continued relevance for communities and community based social services.
Tim brings executive level experiences in strategy and operations gained from his many years within the social services sector. He served as Executive Director of PLEA Community Services; Interim Executive Director of QMUNITY, BC’s LGBTQ2S+ resource centre; Advisor to the Federation of BC Youth in Care Networks; and founding member of the National Youth Justice Network.
Adept at working collaboratively with a multitude of partners, Tim facilitated the Re-Imagining Community Inclusion Initiative for the Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction and conducted a review of legal aid as a Special Advisor to the BC Attorney General. Demonstrating his abilities to promote collaborative cross sectoral thinking, Tim is a valued member of the Social Services Sector Round Table, the MCFD Social Sector Advisory Committee and an Advisory Committee on Procurement.
Tim currently serves on the board of the PARCA (Provincial Association of Residential and Community Agencies) and the McCreary Centre Society. He has served on numerous sectoral boards and committees, including as Board Chair of Realize Strategies Co-op.
A distinguished community leader, Tim received a Commemorative Medal for community service (1992); the Renate Shearer Human Rights Award (2009); the Award of Distinction, Community Safety and Crime Prevention (2015); and the Spirit of John Howard Award (2016). He is an Honorary Fellow of Douglas College (2011).
On behalf of the Directors of Board Voice Society of BC, we would like to extend a warm welcome to Tim.