We’re delighted to be sharing this letter below received by Board Voice today from Mental Health and Addictions Minister Sheila Malcolmson. It brings the very good news that government has opted not to proceed with an open bid planned for BC’s vital crisis line services.
We are so appreciative that government acted on the impressive and collaborative advocacy effort of a number of BC organizations that came together on this one. Board Voice, the Crisis Line Association of BC, the BC Health Coalition and a number of other organizations were united in our concern over the plan to take these essential services to open bid. As a result of our joint advocacy efforts, government instead has asked the Provincial Health Services Authority to not continue with the open-bid plan and to work with existing providers in improving BC’s crisis-line services.
This decision ensures not only a continuation of high-quality crisis services for British Columbians, but prevents the destruction of a carefully developed and integrated network of non-profit services that are the foundation of our crisis response.
Read all about it below!