Lieutenant-Governor Janet Austin a community champion

Courtesy of BC Government

Board Voice co-chairs Terry Anne Boyles and Leslie Welin wrote the following letter to BC’s new Lieutenant Governor, Janet Austin, upon her appointment in spring 2018. She gave us some wonderfully wise words when we embarked on our campaign for a social policy framework for BC.

On behalf of Board Voice Society of British Columbia, we would like to extend our sincere congratulations on your appointment as Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia. We know that your expertise and breadth of experience will bring a fresh perspective to British Columbia.

Board Voice Society is a network of volunteer board directors of community-based social benefit organizations from across the province. It was founded on the belief that board leadership is critical to supporting high-quality social services and to making our communities better places to live.

When Board Voice was embarking on advocating for a social policy framework for BC, you offered invaluable advice to us and our efforts have focused on encouraging government to consult with British Columbians about building policy and legislation that comprehensively support the social determinants of health.

Our project, There is a Better Way: A BC Framework for Well-Being, held conversations in 16 BC communities and consulted with experts in the social policy field. Again, on behalf of Board Voice, we extend our sincere congratulations on your appointment. Board Voice looks forward to your time as Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia with great hope and enthusiasm.