Farewell to former Board Voice coordinator

We’re sending heartfelt wishes to the many loved ones and animal friends of Christine Thomas, who died this month.

Christine worked with Board Voice up until last May as executive coordinator. She was a great help to new executive director Jody Paterson in those early weeks of transition, and Board Voice had many plans to be tapping into her experience for a long time to come.

Unfortunately, life had other plans. Christine was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer soon after leaving Board Voice, and chose an assisted death Jan. 7. The Vancouver Sun ran a lovely obituary of her this week.

Christine put a great deal of time into the Board Voice social policy initiative, “There is a Better Way.” That overwhelming project filled up much of her three years with our organization, but she still managed to find time to organize our annual conferences as well.

If you worked with Chris and want to remember her, there are two animal causes noted in her obituary – the Lower Mainland Humane Society and Forest and the Femme.  We will be donating to one of them in her memory.