Imagine Canada’s Open Letter to the Prime Minister

Please check out this open letter, from Imagine Canada’s Bruce MacDonald, about the government’s progress in meeting the policy goals contained in the mandate letters. MacDonald notes that modernizing the legal and regulatory framework within which charities operate is critically important as

[l]imits on charities and nonprofits income-generating and investment activities have been identified as a potentially significant hurdle in implementing a social finance and social innovation agenda; organizations that want to participate as partners or funders may find themselves prevented from doing so.

These changes are extremely important for the sector that is currently operating in a framework created in the 17th century.

And, in case you missed it, the BC Provincial Budget was introduced yesterday.

Here is coverage from:

Globe and Mail
Times Colonist

The Federation of Community Social Services of BC held a webinar today. Hopefully, it will be made available soon.