26 Community Social Service Agencies Sign Call for SPF

spfAs of March 8, 2014 26 Community Social Service Agencies have signed the “There Is a Better Way” call to action.

If your agency has endorsed the call and you are not on the list, let us know and we will add you.

If you have not endorsed it, please ask your board to consider it.

AimHi,  AWAC Prince George,   BC Community Resources Network,
BC Schizophrenia Society,   Burnaby Family Life,
Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre,   Clements Centre Society,
Community Options Society Duncan,   Crisis Prevention and Intervention Society, Cool Aid Society – Victoria, Family Services of Greater Vancouver,   Fraserside Community Services,
Greater Vancouver Community Services Society,   Greater Victoria Citizens’ Counselling Centre, Growing Together Child and Parent Society,   Intersect Prince George,
John Howard Society of the North Island,   Kootenay Boundary Community Services,
North Peace Community Resources Society,   Options Community Services Surrey,
Pacific Community Resources Society,   PLEA Community Services, Summit Community Services, Realize Co-op, Sunshine Coast Community Services Society,  The Bridge Youth and Family Services, The Cridge Centre for the Family, West Coast Men’s Resource Society, Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre.

Thanks all for your support on this important initiative.