For those of us intently following the issue of the pending Employer Health Tax, there was encouraging news from the legislature this week.
Finance Minister Carole James was asked by the Opposition about non-profits and the EHT, based on Board Voice’s submission to her and its letter to the editor in the Victoria Times Colonist. She said the government is aware of the issue and taking a detailed look at the impact on non-profits, recognizing that some pay MSP premiums for staff and others did not.
“We are reviewing all of those organizations, including not-for-profits and charities, taking a look at the savings from MSP, making those calculations. That is a normal part of the implementation,” said the finance minister. “That information will be out shortly.”
Minister James appears to have a good understanding of the issues in the sector, and it’s positive that she’s looking closely at the effect of the tax and needed adjustments. Stay tuned!