International accounting firm KPMG has published a report looking at integrating the delivery of human and social services, something we at Board Voice have been advocating for through the development of a made in BC Social Policy Framework.
Their conclusions: Integration offers exciting potential gains, but governments need to consider carefully when and where it will work.
The report, called The Integration Imperative: reshaping the delivery of human and social services, is a global survey of integration schemes in 22 jurisdictions. They interviewed the government leaders spearheading the initiatives and numerous thought leaders. They examine the main drivers, types of integration, key enablers, and conditions necessary for reforms to succeed. They look at key trends in the trajectory of integrated services provision, the lessons offered by early movers, and the implications of these trends for governments, clients, and providers from the private and not-for-profit sectors.
All in all a fascinating read for those interested in new approaches to social policy in BC.
Read the full report here: KPMG report on integration-imperative